Institutional Review Board

All people wanting to conduct research using in human subjects (including survey research) need to get approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) [some projects are “exempt” and do not need IRB approval – contact the IRB if you need clarification]. All institutions that conduct research on human subjects are legally required to have an IRB. The purpose of the IRB is to review research projects proposed by or specifically including as subjects employees and/or students of Missouri Valley College, and to ensure that projects not only demonstrate the humane and ethical principles of respect, beneficence, and justice, but also comply with federal regulations.  A project that receives IRB approval may be conducted at Missouri Valley College within the constraints set forth by the IRB and by other institutional and federal requirements. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Missouri Valley College (MVC) acts in accordance with federal regulations established by the Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Office for Protection from Research Risks.

Anyone wishing to conduct research should contact the IRB for further information at the e-mail address below. Instructions for submitting a research proposal can be found at the links below.


IRB Members

Debra Gage Nursing 5 Years+
Waylon Hiler Math & Science 5 Years+
Harold Hynick Fine Arts 5 Years+
Travis Manroe Business 2nd year
Lisa Rice Education 5 Years+
Thomas Rowlan CHHS 2nd year
Health Sciences

Helpful Documents

Instructions for Applicants

Expedited Review Checklist

Full Review Checklist

IRB Handbook (for IRB Committee Members) available upon request at